Sunday, June 30, 2019

So I came out during my valedictorian speech

From Twitter: @maasonbleu

So I came out during my valedictorian speech. It was definitely the scariest thing I’ve ever done but the reaction was amazing. Thank you to everyone who supported me! #Pride2019 #LGBTQ 


The overarching theme of the speech was about being proud (it is pride month) so I decided that I couldn’t tell people to be proud of who they are when I was in hiding for so long. Anyways, I did this not only for me but for anyone else who has struggled being closeted.

If anyone wants to talk to me about anything my DMs are open. I know what it feels like to be closeted and think that no one else is like you but trust me you’re not alone. I played basketball, baseball, football, and am pretty masc + black. I felt like a total outcast.

With that being said, you’re not alone. Reach out to me or anyone else you trust. I’ll definitely be willing to talk to anyone. ♥️ thank you so much and happy pride! - Mason @maasonbleu 6/29/2019 | (954) 764-5150 | | Social Media Admin

Lil Nas X Seemingly Comes Out as Gay on the Last Day of Pride Month

Original Post: LINK

"Old Town Road" rapper Lil Nas X seemed to come out as gay on Sunday, the final day of Pride Month 2019.

In a series of tweets, the rapper began by saying, "some of y’all already know, some of y’all don’t care, some of y’all not gone fwm no more. but before this month ends i want y’all to listen closely to c7osure."

He followed it up with a tweet of the cover of his EP, showing that one the buildings in the background had rainbow coloring. He captioned the pic, "deada-- thought i made it obvious."
The song Lil Nas X is referring to in the tweet is called "Closure" and contains lyrics that include:
Ain't no more actin', man that forecast say I should just let me grow.
No more red light for me, baby, only green, I gotta go.
Pack my past up in the back, oh, let my future take ahold.
This is what I gotta do, can't be regrettin' when I'm old.

Lil Nas X burst onto the scene earlier this year with "Old Town Road," his country rap song that was initially deemed to be not country enough for Billboard's country charts.
The song became so popular, Billy Ray Cyrus appeared on a remix and it subsequently went on to be streamed 143 million streams in the U.S. in just one week in April.
The two performed it live for the first time at Stagecoach back in April. The rapper had what would have to be his most adorable performance of the song for the 5th-grade students at Lander Elementary in Mayfield Heights, Ohio. | (954) 764-5150 | | Social Media Admin

Saturday, June 8, 2019

A Black Queer Man Writes About Black Queer Life for Black Queer Kids

Original post: The Root

Written by: Angela Helm

With All Boys Aren’t Blue, George Johnson is the latest at-bat in what is shaping up to be a burgeoning, yet bountiful genre, that of black queer men coming of age. Yet, unlike Darnell Moore’s No Ashes in the Fire or Michael Arceneaux’s I Can’t Date Jesus, or DeRay Mckesson’s On The Other Side of Freedom, Johnson is speaking directly to young adults.
“The ultimate goal of this, in addition to making sure black queer kid literature is out there, is that I wanted to tell a different black story. A story of a black family that may not have always got it right, but they did the best they could with the knowledge that they had,” says Johnson via phone with The Root.
Johnson, a black queer journalist and activist, also said he wanted to tell a story that was not totally steeped in trauma and tragedy, but one where his family and community smothered him in love and affirmation.
“I wanted to show myself and be this vessel of someone who was resilient because anytime you say anything that’s about a black queer person, it’s like, Oh, he must’ve got beat up. Yeah, I had those experiences but I also had this amazing mother and this amazing grandmother who stepped in. And my father who was this black police officer from the South, but he still never made me feel like something was wrong with me. “
In writing All Boys Aren’t Blue, slated to debut in March 2020 (the cover, seen above, debuts today, during Pride 2019, exclusively on TheRoot and, Johnson says he was forced to delve deeply into his emotions because young people want to know.
While turning in one chapter, in particular—that of having sex for the first time—Johnson said his editor pushed back and urged him to crack himself open. He, on the other hand, said he feared being “salacious.”
“Sometimes with adult memoirs, you have a little bit more control or license over where you want to go. But with young adults … you need to go there; kids are harsher critics than adults, and kids actually understand politics. They want to know the whole story,” Johnson says. “In particular, when I was writing about the first time having sex, I wrote it very technically, And my editor was like, This is boring! You gotta spice this up!”
Johnson said he had to go back to the mind (and ostensibly, the raging hormonal body) of his adolescence, and delve into the ways he was inquisitive about and thought about sex. He notes that this is not encouraging kids to go out and have lots of gay sex. “If you read about it, would it make you go out and do it? No, but it would have been helpful to read about someones’ experience so that … others will know what it’s like to navigate that space.”
When I asked Johnson what else—besides seeing themselves represented—black queer kids might need, he noted that visibility is only the beginning.
“I always say that visibility and representation is a starting point. What happens after you see us? What black queer kids need is they need support; they need policies that speak to them, policies that matter to them,” he says.
“What do black queer kids need? They need people around them to understand that even though they have an additional oppression, even though they identify differently, they’re still connected to blackness. Something as simple as learning black history that includes LGBT people that are black. Who are also Civil Rights pioneers, like Marsha P. Johnson; Sylvia Rivera; Miss Major? And so, the biggest thing black queer kids need is way past visibility and representation; it’s actual structural changes so that they’re being taught about themselves.
In essence, Johnson wants to provide a “blueprint” for the kids themselves, for black families and communities to take the lead in affirming and uplifting our nonbinary, gay, queer, trans, and questioning children.
“That’s what queer kids need—not only love and support at home but also at the barber shop, but also at the church. Any other place where they should have just as much access and right to be in as any other black kid.”
All Boys Aren’t Blue is available for pre-order here | (954) 764-5150 | | Social Media Admin

Coming Together for Our Community: A Heartwarming Back-to-School Backpack Drive

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