Sunday, June 30, 2019

So I came out during my valedictorian speech

From Twitter: @maasonbleu

So I came out during my valedictorian speech. It was definitely the scariest thing I’ve ever done but the reaction was amazing. Thank you to everyone who supported me! #Pride2019 #LGBTQ 


The overarching theme of the speech was about being proud (it is pride month) so I decided that I couldn’t tell people to be proud of who they are when I was in hiding for so long. Anyways, I did this not only for me but for anyone else who has struggled being closeted.

If anyone wants to talk to me about anything my DMs are open. I know what it feels like to be closeted and think that no one else is like you but trust me you’re not alone. I played basketball, baseball, football, and am pretty masc + black. I felt like a total outcast.

With that being said, you’re not alone. Reach out to me or anyone else you trust. I’ll definitely be willing to talk to anyone. ♥️ thank you so much and happy pride! - Mason @maasonbleu 6/29/2019 | (954) 764-5150 | | Social Media Admin

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